Thursday, November 20, 2008

dear diary..

haha okay. had work as usual.. asked sharon for a transfer for post as sales assistant but she wouldnt allow): she said she needed someone in the office.guess ill have to stick to that boring shit...): ended work bout 5+.

Hui came to pp, we had long john's, then chilled at starbucks with her bf and some other ppl frm school. chilled there for really long

..and i can say i smoked like a freakin chimney after a pretty long time :X

bout 9+ hui wanted to munch again! so we went to get mos burger for her. gees i didnt know that girl has an appetite!
then..walked arnd..

and guess what?!


i bought new lingerie!! (: (: frilly ones. hahaha they were..soo cute! so i had to get it. hehe.

okay im retarded.

so anyways... i didnt see baby today. its funny not seeing him for a day.i miss him heaps! but oh wells, i hope it might be a good thang. absent makes the heart fonder... right?


okay guess im done here. im lazyyyyy.
tatas mwah mwahs. (:


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