Saturday, November 15, 2008

hahhaha this is my new blog like finally. yayyy.
idk why im even creating a blog? cuz im lazy, very lazy. so i dont think ill update like alot but ouh wells-my first post! hehe.

okay so i woke up at bout 1 today. i was sleeping so soundly and got woken up by drilling and hammer knockin. went down to chk it out and saw some people makin a railing between the dining and living- the dining which is only a few feet higher. turns out that my grandmoma suggested it cuz she said it was scary without it.. haha!
gah im so fed up with living in a house thats like half done! the state hasn't approve of the renovating yet. and its takin like forever. assholes..

met blan at tamps arnd 3+ and he went to get his long awaited vans era,he got the green and black one. haha that crazy boy has like twice as many shoes as mine already. ugh! but i still love him more than anythin(: ate and walked arnd after that. he had to leave arnd 6+ for a family dinner..
so went to look for march,feidi etc after that. played around in toys'r'us until march realised she lost her phone. she said she was like so dead cuz the phone was pretty new and her folks would kill. asked arnd but it was like too late the phone's turned off. we thought the phone was stolen by pickpocketing cuz the strap was hangin out of her bag. poorthang.. went to make a police report and soon everyone was not in the mood and went home.

got home arnd 9+ and aunt jane,yve,bri angel were at my place. yve bri mom and renee were havin mahjong. bell rang- more guests! uncle eddie,wes,and bells came. and everyone started karaoke-ing.
when me,yve,bri and ren took the mic we went crazy.
like bri would go '' this is the remix yawwl...'' and stuff. stupid i knw. but its so funnyyyy.
cant believe we sung beegees and the carpenters and brtiney spears! hahahha.
but it was all good fun though (:

wow pretty long for a first post.
mmm thats all for today! nitenite!


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