Monday, November 17, 2008

its 11 plus in the morning now,i can hardly blog at night already. cuz my folks would hide the laptop at night! they want me to start sleeping early. ugh. and i have to go off for work soon.
okay back tracking..

on sunday, went to ballet and church as usual. after that headed to town to meet bland. it was our 1st month btw! :D caught a movie in the evening- the coffin. it was pretty good, though the story line was alil complicating. we had like caramel popcorn and chicken(we sneaked it in). after that we had to skip dinner cuz we were super full, so headed to sit around at istana park. and there was this freaked old scrawny man who kept followin us wherever we sat! we stared at him til he moved to another couple and he'll do the same motion like: with crossed legs 2.put his umbrella up right on top of his dick 3.smoke. he's so annoying! he's obviously trying to jerk off. i bet the couples there couldn't make out in peace too! dammmn i wanted to throw the leftover popcorns at him.
so we went off and bland sent me home. headed to the playground near my house to swing. i think swinging is fun! you can like go high on it. hahahaha. bland says im retarded and i had no childhood. he's the loser... xP

i had work as usual. i swr i dont wana do paper work and data logging in offices! its so boring. im thinkin of askin to transfer me to do sales or wadeva. it'll at least be better! hui came into the office for interview and she got a place in mango straightaway! awesome.. after work nico and nicholas were at parkway too,so went to chill awhile then i had to head home for dinner. went to look for bland at bdk skatepark,he was skatin with hardi and zahir. im so jealous cuz i couldnt even do an ollie. i gave up! ): ouh wells..
and headed home after.
on the line at night he told me smth that kinda sucked(to me). he's scared he cant sustain a long r/s? idk but thats kinda heartbreakin.. i mean whatever do you say that for? unless you aren't sure abt us. i dont really know what to say but yeah.. i hope that all these feelings that ive put in too deep aren't gona be wasted away. cuz if it happens like that. idk if im able to take it.


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