Thursday, November 27, 2008


that was by my baby.

mmmm today got to work as usual. and everything's got better now. im soo happy! its like everything got all warm now- after two days of cold war. im so sorry bout last night babe. ouuh boy,i really hate those. but oh wells.. i miss you like shit baby.

so i got up at about 11 plus. and got to work at 2 as usual.. its fuckin boring in the office! the stupid computer in the office cant go to any other site except isetan, so i just played solitaire(like a moron). oh i stole some biscuits from da cupboard too. hehe! knocked off bout 6.

headed home to get change for class barbeque at east coast. bout 3/4 of the class were there. plus some others who weren't from our class..
the food was awesome! i ate like alot,and i mean realy A LOT.gees i think the two kg came back.

chatted and chatted. then they started playin tai ti,everyone tried to teach me but i dont understand a single shit. whats a royal flush? a staight? a house??? ugh im sucha dumbfuck. but its so harrrddd.

then finally they played 21, poker, muderer and stuff..and indian poker or smth? hahaha. but we didnt played with mooley. that sucks.. we played with food instead. i kept losin so i had to eat.

the teachers and some left pretty early. then some of em started smokin. but i DID NOT. ill be a good girl like i promised bland (:

played and played and played...

thr's even an ice fight. and i got stucked in mud! nico was being an asshole for laughing at me so loud that i ran and stuck my muddy slippers on his shirt. then i was like :O so i stuffed his shirt into the icebox and washed it. and realised he has no shirt to wear on. then i got even more :O
okay i feel super mean now. sorry nico... so i poured half the freakin cold ice water on my legs to wash the bloody mud away.

luckily momma picked me at 12. too tired to get back home myself.


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