Friday, March 20, 2009

Hi all!
Wow i blog like once a month huh? haha just can't find the time to. Or rather i'm super dee lazy.
What's been happening for the one month? Hmmm just the same old same old.

Some that i can remember are like....

The cross country run. This year competitors will pair up and each run half only. So it's not so bad compared to the past years, we have to run the whole thing like bout 4 km++! So anyways Liangyi and me got a trophy or 4th place! Not too bad huh babe :D The worst shit was when i was finishing my part, my stomach gave me a hard time. I can feel my shit almost coming out. So after i'm done with i continued running straight to the toilet! haha! okay i'm gross!

Cathecism classes are on every saturday. I've learnt alot about the roman catholic faith and all. Now we're gonna start on the birth of jesus soon (: and our catechist is like really funny! so class is much more entertaining too. haha.

Then.. dentist gave me the rubber thingys to put on my braces, for i don't know what reason. But it hurts! giving me a headache and all. So when you see me now i'd look funny :O But he said this was kinda like the last stage so i might be taking my braces off soon. yayy can't wait! and and and my wisdom teeth are growing! according to him. Which sucks coz it hurts too. my poor mouth.... :(

March holidays aren't holidays for me. I've got school from mon to fri and ballet like five times this week, coz my ballet exam is on the 31st. Just have to persevere for a few more days! Ms Kok offered 5 of us in class to go for intermediate exam this september, i'm totally up for it but my mom doesn't want me to coz of the O's this year. But i think i'm able to balance my studies with that, just that i'll have lesser free time... How? Should i?

Then there was Romp at Zouk. it was super uber friggin packed! Went with bby and some of his friends. March all.. Maz.. Irene, Cheryl and Hidaya there too. And Willy all? haha i was surprised that he went. The dancefloor was packed like dunnow what, i almost fainted inside. haha! But the music was good stuff (:

And the next day was me and Bland's 5th month. yayyy (: love you bby.

Family outing on thurs. Been awhile since we had a proper one. We went to bowl (haha i suck at it but my mom and sis were the worsts!) rushed dinner coz we were late for the movie Copmall. I'm not sure if its called that but the show was pretty good, really hilarious thats why!

Yesterday* although i'm sick, went to east coast with the cck church people. played games and picnicked^^ Also got to know pastor May's nephew and niece. they are super hyper kids! really talkative. haha. It was really fun! til i didn't go for ballet. bleh. Really great people.. i love everyone there!
By the ways.. I feel like going for a mission trip this end of year :)

Okay my head is burning hot now, i shall go napnap before catechism starts. Have a great week... or month ahead!


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