Sunday, November 30, 2008

nth much today. had work, then headed home to get ready for braces appointment. i got em pink now. was suppose to go to zouk today, but maria suddenly cant go. and bland changed his mind too. jiahui asked me to go at the last minute,but nah.. it'll be weird if i go without my boyfriend there. right? so had beef noodles with momma and i went to march's after that. haven't seen her in quite awhile! then we headed to simei to chill over there with eugene and suyin. we bought cup noodles and stuff. HAHAHA I FEEL SUPER FAT NOW. all march's fault!
got home bout 12.
suyin's birthday is tmoz. lil girl's awwwl grown up now. haha! happy birthday hun<3

as usual had ballet in the morning. but now timing has extended. 9.15 to 10.45. danced like a zombie again for half the lesson but got better . i dont think ill be ready for the exam in april man. I WANT MS KOK BACK! ): she gives me the inspiration better than this stupid cheena!
after ballet was either suppose to meet abigail and all for badminton. haha i havent played that since primary man. or follow bland for job interview. but turns out sharon wasnt at work today. so that plan was cancelled. end up goin to bland's crib. and I SAW WUFFY AGAIN. he's so KUTE! hehe! but bland didnt allow me to shower him. how selfish.
so left his house bout 8 and had dinner. then we headed to my place cuz aikkai and renee got home too and had MAHJONG! :D
i suck at it tho..
thats bout it for sunday.


Thursday, November 27, 2008

im so mean to blandon! im mean! im so mean to my baby blandon!!! afterall that he's done for me! wahahahha!!!!

blandon was here :D

that was by my baby.

mmmm today got to work as usual. and everything's got better now. im soo happy! its like everything got all warm now- after two days of cold war. im so sorry bout last night babe. ouuh boy,i really hate those. but oh wells.. i miss you like shit baby.

so i got up at about 11 plus. and got to work at 2 as usual.. its fuckin boring in the office! the stupid computer in the office cant go to any other site except isetan, so i just played solitaire(like a moron). oh i stole some biscuits from da cupboard too. hehe! knocked off bout 6.

headed home to get change for class barbeque at east coast. bout 3/4 of the class were there. plus some others who weren't from our class..
the food was awesome! i ate like alot,and i mean realy A LOT.gees i think the two kg came back.

chatted and chatted. then they started playin tai ti,everyone tried to teach me but i dont understand a single shit. whats a royal flush? a staight? a house??? ugh im sucha dumbfuck. but its so harrrddd.

then finally they played 21, poker, muderer and stuff..and indian poker or smth? hahaha. but we didnt played with mooley. that sucks.. we played with food instead. i kept losin so i had to eat.

the teachers and some left pretty early. then some of em started smokin. but i DID NOT. ill be a good girl like i promised bland (:

played and played and played...

thr's even an ice fight. and i got stucked in mud! nico was being an asshole for laughing at me so loud that i ran and stuck my muddy slippers on his shirt. then i was like :O so i stuffed his shirt into the icebox and washed it. and realised he has no shirt to wear on. then i got even more :O
okay i feel super mean now. sorry nico... so i poured half the freakin cold ice water on my legs to wash the bloody mud away.

luckily momma picked me at 12. too tired to get back home myself.


Wednesday, November 26, 2008

you know what? you are such an arrogant person. your profile is like a hate site. your blog too. hating everything. i knw u were referin to me when u said fuck off on your pm. you cant forgive, you cant care, you get mad. and when u do, NOTHIN else matters except for your anger. it takes over EVERYTHING. grow up. fuck this.. im so tired.
mmmm did nth much today, just work. super boring job. ugh.

so anyways.. ill just talk about yesterday.

okay it was my first time clubbing yesterday. got home from work and met bland in the train to meet some of his other friends at orchard. we were goin to st james. i didnt know what to wear cuz i have NEVER been clubbin, so i just got a tank and jeans and put on a pair of heels on-and that was a very wrong move. we followed jared to haji lane and had bit oof sheesha with his sister and all.. then left for harbour front arnd 9+.

derek brought liquor to drink before entering the club. so we sat at vivo,by the sea and drank. at first i just took a shot-pure. and it freakin burnt my poor oesophagus and stomach.. so bland and i went to get peach tea to have it mixed. i didnt count how many cups i gulped down but i got tipsy soon and as usual,i will want more and more. i couldnt control myself and bland tried to ask me to stop, but i didnt listen.
so after he gave me the cold shoulder all the way till we got to the club. even when we were queing, i couldnt stand straight and i tried searchin for support from him. but he just pushed me away. he was so mad at me.. but he returned to normal when we got in. we danced and even kissed? music and dancing was great. but it was very, and i mean super.crowded. but overall it was awes..
so.. we left the club bout umm 2 plus. took a cab with bland, fare was a bomb man.

got home and toe kinda bleed.painful): stupid heel. then this part sucks real bad. i had a msg from him after i bathed. 'i hope you had fun on our last night together' i was so hopin it was a typo. but i soon found out he really wanted to break up at that moment. said he was still very mad at me and so much for saying that i quit smoking, and why he shud take care of me when im drunk...... i cried my eyes out last night, it was the worse since eva since we got together. i couldnt believe he actually wanted to leave just like that. but in the end we did not.
i felt better at abt 5.30 to 6 am..

im still feeling the blues for the whole day today. its like its just not the same like how it used to be. my feelings are still the same though, i just wished things will be back perfectly again. i hope it goes the same for him too.

not really in the mood to blog actually, think ill just stop here.


Monday, November 24, 2008

Hello diary! miss me?
hahaha. im trying my best to post :X

okay the previous post was pretty stupid..i was having a bad time with bland and i was really really upset. so yeah.. but everything's all fine now(: lets just avoid those lame quarrels yeah honey? its just a waste of time..

anyways, today went yatching again. wes,bell,joel,momma,daddy,mama,me,ren. bland and aikai came along too this time. ride to somewhr near kusu island. then swam in the sea and stuff. today i jumped off from the front of the boat! so proud of myself! we also swam to the beach on kusu island. i swr the beach thr is hawt sex!! i wished east coast had blue clean waters just like that. the sand was so nice.......... it was like heaven. hhahaha. i just love beaches (:
then had sand fight and this retarded bland made ''mud bath'' for me. haha.

had lunch then headed bk to the club. guys had to help clean the boat. poor things.. haha. waited then we all swimmed at the club's pool. lots of wrestling and stuff. then thr was this lil boy..we tried to make frens with him. and to find out he was lilllll retarded. at first it was pretty okay.. but he started to annoy us when he talked shit and follow us everywhr in the pool. hahaha! crazy kiddo.

then headed home. bland and aikai stayed for dinner, after we had mahjong. just picked it up today..thanks bby for teaching me! (: bland left bout ten plus.. ouuh what a tiring day! but i had heaps of fun. :D

yawwn im tired now..nights!


Friday, November 21, 2008

But you're just a boy
You don't understand
How it feels to love a girl
Someday you wish you were a better man
You don't listen to her
You don't care how it hurts
Until you lose the one you wanted
Cause you're taking her for granted
And everything you had got destroyed

Thursday, November 20, 2008

dear diary..

haha okay. had work as usual.. asked sharon for a transfer for post as sales assistant but she wouldnt allow): she said she needed someone in the office.guess ill have to stick to that boring shit...): ended work bout 5+.

Hui came to pp, we had long john's, then chilled at starbucks with her bf and some other ppl frm school. chilled there for really long

..and i can say i smoked like a freakin chimney after a pretty long time :X

bout 9+ hui wanted to munch again! so we went to get mos burger for her. gees i didnt know that girl has an appetite!
then..walked arnd..

and guess what?!


i bought new lingerie!! (: (: frilly ones. hahaha they were..soo cute! so i had to get it. hehe.

okay im retarded.

so anyways... i didnt see baby today. its funny not seeing him for a day.i miss him heaps! but oh wells, i hope it might be a good thang. absent makes the heart fonder... right?


okay guess im done here. im lazyyyyy.
tatas mwah mwahs. (:


Monday, November 17, 2008

its 11 plus in the morning now,i can hardly blog at night already. cuz my folks would hide the laptop at night! they want me to start sleeping early. ugh. and i have to go off for work soon.
okay back tracking..

on sunday, went to ballet and church as usual. after that headed to town to meet bland. it was our 1st month btw! :D caught a movie in the evening- the coffin. it was pretty good, though the story line was alil complicating. we had like caramel popcorn and chicken(we sneaked it in). after that we had to skip dinner cuz we were super full, so headed to sit around at istana park. and there was this freaked old scrawny man who kept followin us wherever we sat! we stared at him til he moved to another couple and he'll do the same motion like: with crossed legs 2.put his umbrella up right on top of his dick 3.smoke. he's so annoying! he's obviously trying to jerk off. i bet the couples there couldn't make out in peace too! dammmn i wanted to throw the leftover popcorns at him.
so we went off and bland sent me home. headed to the playground near my house to swing. i think swinging is fun! you can like go high on it. hahahaha. bland says im retarded and i had no childhood. he's the loser... xP

i had work as usual. i swr i dont wana do paper work and data logging in offices! its so boring. im thinkin of askin to transfer me to do sales or wadeva. it'll at least be better! hui came into the office for interview and she got a place in mango straightaway! awesome.. after work nico and nicholas were at parkway too,so went to chill awhile then i had to head home for dinner. went to look for bland at bdk skatepark,he was skatin with hardi and zahir. im so jealous cuz i couldnt even do an ollie. i gave up! ): ouh wells..
and headed home after.
on the line at night he told me smth that kinda sucked(to me). he's scared he cant sustain a long r/s? idk but thats kinda heartbreakin.. i mean whatever do you say that for? unless you aren't sure abt us. i dont really know what to say but yeah.. i hope that all these feelings that ive put in too deep aren't gona be wasted away. cuz if it happens like that. idk if im able to take it.


Saturday, November 15, 2008

hahhaha this is my new blog like finally. yayyy.
idk why im even creating a blog? cuz im lazy, very lazy. so i dont think ill update like alot but ouh wells-my first post! hehe.

okay so i woke up at bout 1 today. i was sleeping so soundly and got woken up by drilling and hammer knockin. went down to chk it out and saw some people makin a railing between the dining and living- the dining which is only a few feet higher. turns out that my grandmoma suggested it cuz she said it was scary without it.. haha!
gah im so fed up with living in a house thats like half done! the state hasn't approve of the renovating yet. and its takin like forever. assholes..

met blan at tamps arnd 3+ and he went to get his long awaited vans era,he got the green and black one. haha that crazy boy has like twice as many shoes as mine already. ugh! but i still love him more than anythin(: ate and walked arnd after that. he had to leave arnd 6+ for a family dinner..
so went to look for march,feidi etc after that. played around in toys'r'us until march realised she lost her phone. she said she was like so dead cuz the phone was pretty new and her folks would kill. asked arnd but it was like too late the phone's turned off. we thought the phone was stolen by pickpocketing cuz the strap was hangin out of her bag. poorthang.. went to make a police report and soon everyone was not in the mood and went home.

got home arnd 9+ and aunt jane,yve,bri angel were at my place. yve bri mom and renee were havin mahjong. bell rang- more guests! uncle eddie,wes,and bells came. and everyone started karaoke-ing.
when me,yve,bri and ren took the mic we went crazy.
like bri would go '' this is the remix yawwl...'' and stuff. stupid i knw. but its so funnyyyy.
cant believe we sung beegees and the carpenters and brtiney spears! hahahha.
but it was all good fun though (:

wow pretty long for a first post.
mmm thats all for today! nitenite!
