Monday, December 29, 2008

Hello earthlings!

I just got back from church youth camp. it was blandon's church actually. CCK(Chapel of Christ the King). was GREAT (:
honestly i've never been to a chirstian church before, i only follow mom to catholic churches since i was little. so this was a whole new thing for me. i didn't plan on going actually, cos i had work and stuff. but i made a decision to go in the end. so i went...
i felt pretty awkward on the first day cuz i didn't really know anyone there. but after awhile, i felt really comfortable b'cuz everyone there were really warm people, esp my group: PEAR! haha.
on that day we had amazing race and games etc. my leg already ached like hell that night.
the next day was pretty relaxed. there were games, devotion, praise and worship, sermon everyday. but it was different on the second day, like pastor spoke to open our hearts to the Lord that night. for the first time, i really felt God's presence. what the pastor said really touched me and most others there. some started crying and all (including me). some prayed for each other, and penny prayed for my problems. i really felt it that night.
on the 3rd day, was more on learning a dance, preparing each group skits and stuff for the fun night, which was on that night.
my group's skit was super retarded! damn lame and i couldn't stop laughing. after that there were more games and we had like karaoke session in the chapel. funny huh. haha. but it was really fun when some of us jumped around and bland forever shouting in the mic. everyone stayed up late that night. i slept at 4.

Overall... i really enjoyed the camp very much. starting to miss it already...
i don't know baby but you were being pretty cold and all at times during the camp, if its something wrong i did i'm sorry. but thank you sweetie for pulling me in this camp. b'cos it made quite a great impact in my life.
and thru this camp, i learnt so much more about Him, how deeply He loves us. i feel closer to God now, after drifting pretty far from Him for months. and i'm glad (:
Praise to you Lord!

Psalms 23.
Even though i walk through the valley of death, I will fear no evil, for you are
with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.


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