Friday, January 2, 2009


2008 was pretty sucky for me initially, but it got better during the last few months.
yo 2009, please be a good year for me.

School started..... how great. the holidays seemed so short! i wish they were longer. its kinda funny to think i'm gona be 17 this year.
spent new year at batam with mom's side. went off on the 30th and just got back yesterday. what really sucked is that i can't spend new year with baby :(

overall batam was awesome.
especially the water sports. jet ski, banana boat, parasailing.
jet ski and parasailing was the shit! i had flying fox that day too. the line goes from the top of the hotel. my first time flying.
then there were like two little monkeys locked at the watersports area. and i played with them! but the girl monkey pulled my hair cos she didn't like girls:/ the guy was really naughty. really cute.

the next day was new year eve. had go kart in the morning. went to the stupid shopping center in the afternoon. there was nothing good there. we were all like falling asleep when we walked around. haha! but really.
at night there was this dinner at the hotel. dress code: 70s.
i didn't brought any retro stuff. but they gave us those cute sunglass. the food was pretty sucky. there were games and my gramps got chosen, they had to like burst the balloon in the shortest time with their body pressed together and stuff! haha!! then the live band played all the 70s music which was great! and everyone started going upfront and danced. me and my cousins went crazy. haha. i can't believe my dad danced too.
after counting down, we went to outside to the beach and set the fireworks we bought. it was like whoaa, really loud, really close, real awesome. great experience! got back to the hotel bout 2 plus to bathe. played cards with eunice and all til 4+.

next day was the day we're leaving, but befo that we had cable ski-ing! was tough man. its tougher than wakeboarding, cos the launching part sucks. i didn't even go for a round, my bro did. now my arms are still aching like shit!
left the place bout 3.
batam was great (:
think thats bout it, i'm sleepyyyy :/

Some of the pics.. didn't take during the watersports. boohoo.

Rock N Roll

the whole family was shakin it

the awesome fireworks we made.


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